Whatever your reason is for giving, or whatever the season is, these steps will help you know how to handle your finances during this period. Be focused on what your recipient is going to like and what they are also going to appreciate. While you buy thoughtful gifts, ensure it doesn’t run you dry. GIFTING ON A BUDGET? WHAT YOU HAVE TO DO
- ESTABLISH A GIFTING BUDGET: Don’t go around aiming to buy a gift without a budget. Ensure that the gift you’re going to buy is already budgeted for. Do what works best for you and something that won’t break your pocket. Stick to the amount you’ve budgeted for, don’t be too inaccurate in spending.
- FOLLOW A LAID OUT RULE: Having a budget will help you in buying the gifts, the rules will help you know who you are giving. Human emotions can let you compromise but it’s important to be diligent so as not to give beyond who you’ve planned for and not to also break your pocket.
- GET HOUSEHOLD ITEMS: Household items come in handy and cheaper when buying gifts. It’s easier to do a branded cup than buying a phone as a gift. Household items are functional souvenirs that everyone uses, you can never go wrong with them.
- BUY IN BULK: Bulk buying saves you a lot of money. For example, buying 10 of the same items at once will save you cost than buying 10 different items as the prices may differ. Go for bulk buying and save your money.
- DON’T GIFT AT ALL: It’s okay not to gift at all, especially if you cannot afford it. You can replace gifts with sweet notes, or messages. Messages & sweet notes go a long way as lots of people cherish personal notes.
Final Note: If you are looking to buy gifts on a budget, lucy.ng works with your budget to provide amazing gifts for your clients or friends.
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